miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

My Favourite Picture

Hi, this is my favourite picture, the picture was taken by a classmate of my school, that at this moment I can`t remember which was his name. The pic shows me and my best friends from the school (Luis, Bastian, Matias, Guillermo, Inty and charly), the pic was taken when I was seventeen years old in the “Paso Los Libertadores”, it is a connection point in the frontier between Chile and Argentina, at that time my course was traveling because we were in a study trip. I like so much this picture because it makes me remember my friends, that I love as brothers, and my study trip in Argentina and Brazil, that was one of the better moments of my live, in addition to this picture makes my remember a lot of very good moments from when I was in the school, this is the reason because it is my favourite picture.