lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009

Ideal Job

Hi, now I´m going to talk about my ideal job. My ideal job is work in a veterinary clinic doing surgical procedures preferably in big animal, like cow or horse, not in little animal (dogs, cats), because you can earn more money working with big animal, especially I will prefer work with horse because I like it more. My ideal job must be located in a big city or near the city. I like this work since a lot of time, when I was a child I always saw TV shows or reports related with animals, and usually I rode the horses of my grandfather, when I knew the career (veterinarian medicine) I was completely sure that this was that I wanted to do in my future, in summary I would like to work with horses, because is my favorite animal, in a clinic and doing surgical procedures.

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009


Hi, today I´m going to talk about a website that I really like, the link to this site is "", “Chilecomparte” is a big forum that I found about five years ago, when I was looking for a video game, When I found Chilecomparte it had another link, it was “”. Actually I visit the site about five times in a week, you can use this website to download TV series, like House M.D. or Heroes, download computer games, music (Mp3, Discographies, Rock, Metal, Pop, Romantic, dance, Electronic, Punk, Underground and karaoke) movies or any software that you need (antivirus, spyware, drivers, audio and video software’s), looking for information ( astronomy, gastronomy, Philosophy, History, Science, Technology, Mathematics, Literature and Religion), buy an sale things or to knew new people. The only requirement to download that you like is being registered in the website, I can do a lot of things and this is the reason that I like it.

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

My Favourite Picture

Hi, this is my favourite picture, the picture was taken by a classmate of my school, that at this moment I can`t remember which was his name. The pic shows me and my best friends from the school (Luis, Bastian, Matias, Guillermo, Inty and charly), the pic was taken when I was seventeen years old in the “Paso Los Libertadores”, it is a connection point in the frontier between Chile and Argentina, at that time my course was traveling because we were in a study trip. I like so much this picture because it makes me remember my friends, that I love as brothers, and my study trip in Argentina and Brazil, that was one of the better moments of my live, in addition to this picture makes my remember a lot of very good moments from when I was in the school, this is the reason because it is my favourite picture.

miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009


My favourite piece of technology is my PC (personal computer). I got my first computer when I was seven years old, the computer that actually I’m using I bought it when I was sixteen years old . I usually use my computer to do a lot of things, like chat, play computer games, study, watch TV, do homework’s, see movies or pictures and listen to music, in summary I can do everything that I want to do, this is the reason because I like it, this is the reason because my computer is my favourite piece of technology. Almost there isn´t any day that I don´t use my computer to do something, I think that if I did not have my personal computer my life would be very different, I would have a lot of free time and study would be very difficult, in my mind the life without an personal computer would be more boring.